
14.04.2010Flyer "OP Human Resources Development and Roma integration in Bulgaria” was presented in Cordoba

During the Second Roma Summit, held in Cordoba, Spain on 7 and 8 April Deyan Kolev (Chairman of Center Amalipe) presented the flyer "Operational Programme Human Resources Development and integration of Roma in Bulgaria. The Flyer examines the strengths and weaknesses in the design and implementation of the Human Resources Development OP in terms of support for the process of Roma integration and participation of Roma themselves. Specific figures on the implementation of the program across its Priority axes in 2007-2009 were indicated

The brief analysis of the figures shows that the Program reaches the Roma in the priority areas in which there are calls and measures targeted the social inclusion of vulnerable groups / minorities (so-called "Targeted calls”). At this stage, other schemes reach a disproportionately small number of Roma and do not support the implementation of national documents for Roma integration.

During the discussions in Cordoba Deyan Kolev made proposals for closer binding the absorption of funds from the European Social Fund with the integration of Roma:

- In the next programming period, the European Social Fund to set an indicative budget for targeted operations aimed at Roma in the order of less than 5%;

- Roma organizations be included as a specific beneficiary (status that have trade unions, employers associations and institutions) which will enable them to achieve greater intervention


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