
07.04.2020The message of one director

We share with you the words of one of the principals whose school is part of the "Every Student Will Be Excellent" network because it is valid for every teacher at the moment. And the words are infinitely correct and correct:

"I thought for a very, very long time before writing this post. I was wondering how to choose the right words so that I would not hurt anyone but at the same time encourage those who deserve him. I was provoked by the words of a teacher today and those words they keep pounding in my head and not giving me rest! The Bulgarian teacher should not be stressed! He must be calm because it will be necessary even after the state of emergency has passed! We are in the distance training mode for the second week. my team are doing inhuman efforts, why our students are from vulnerable groups and most of them do not have the technique to work online, some of them live without electricity and water, with parents more illiterate than the children themselves, but on the contrary, we work hard not to be no child from our school is deprived of education And it doesn't matter that we don't use platforms ... It's not our fault Our kids can't handle it And it doesn't matter that the feedback we get is full of mistakes! The important thing is that we have a connection with the children - through social networks, through completed and returned worksheets, through hours of telephone conversations to explain the task to them again and again and again ...

The situation is extraordinary and there is no room for right/wrong... right/wrong! There is no one else who can do better than you - right today, right with our children! And no matter how or what platform we learn - the important thing is that we do it! The important thing is that colleagues help other colleagues! What matters is the words of a grandmother with a child from the preparatory group who, when I gave the worksheets, told me: "Thank you, ma'am, for not forgetting our children!" This is important! Everyone knows how difficult it is to work with children like ours ... everyone knows how difficult it is to teach them, even in the presence of a teacher, and what to say in distance learning! Thank you, my dear teachers! You are the best because you manage to inspire hope, even where you do not see it yourself! Keep going! We're on the right track! And remember that school is not the building, the school is you and the students! Be healthy! Only we know how much work is waiting for us after we return to the classrooms!

P.S. And thank you very much  to Rositsa Dimitrova (an educational mediator at the school), who not only gives out the worksheets to the children but explains to parents and students what they should do and how to solve the tasks, were to read carefully ... Rossi, I'm with you every day, together, because we're better together! "


Iva Penkova, Director of Hristo Botev Primary School, Stamboliyski, Plovdiv Region

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