
09.12.2014Declaration regarding the statement of the Bulgarian Minister of Health

We, the representatives of non-government organizations, civil alliances and experts, working for Roma integrations are highly concerned from the statements of the Minister of Health doctor Petar Moskov in media and in his personal facebook account about the order that plans to forbid the emergency teams to respond to calls from Roma neighborhoods! We consider unacceptable:

- the claim “Enough talking whoever and whatever rights they have…” – enjoying human rights is the basis of democracy and their restriction is a call for its repeal. Democracy is the basis of the constitutional order in the Republic of Bulgaria and its appeal for restriction of the human rights borders an appeal for change of the constitutional order;

- the claim “If anyone has chosen to live and act like savage, obtains the right to be treated as such”: non human being and citizen of the Republic of Bulgaria should not be defined that way, all the more the minister;

- the definition of the residents of Roma neighborhoods as the “population in question” and comparing them with “wild animals”: this anti-Roma rhetoric borders implicatively with ideas for racial inferiority of the Roma community and is absolutely unacceptable;

- violation of the constitution and laws is the issue of such order that allows the emergency teams not to respond to calls coming from neighborhoods where there were previous incidents: even in such neighborhoods, the perpetrators are not all the residents, not even the majority of them! Through such an order, the vast majority is punished for individuals and imposes collective responsibility;

- inapplicable and groundless is the idea of the emergency teams to respond to calls from Roma neighborhoods only after an agreement with local non formal leaders for personal responsibility of the residents behavior: the position of the non formal leader on Roma community is not institutionalized and therefore “agreements” specified by Minister Moskov are practically impossible and have no legal value.

We are also concerned from the security problems of the emergency teams and the common incidents towards them! We consider violations against medics as absolutely unacceptable and their perpetrators shall be punished with all the stringency of law. We express our willingness to join efforts in order to overcome these issues!

In relation to everything mentioned above we demand:

1.      Not to be issued such order that would deprive the residents from certain neighborhoods from their legal right to use emergency help;


2.      Establishing a mechanism for constitutional interaction between Emergency, police, local authorities, non-governmental orgranizations, working in Roma communities, health mediators, community mediators and other interested institutions in order to implement complex activities to ensure the emergency teams safety and the access to health services for the residents of the risk neighborhoods.


3.      Conducting a debate with all interested parties for an overall reform of the Health and Health insurance system. The reforms of these systems are the most sustainable means of solving the accumulated problems and in their planning should be involved all the interested parties: institutions, civil and patient alliances, trade unions etc.  



Roma organizations and civil alliances are ready to contribute for solving the accumulated problems as through constructive suggestions and with field work in the community.



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